The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is America's oldest Irish Catholic fraternal organization. The Order can trace
it's roots back to a series of similar societies that existed in Ireland for more then 300 years.
A. The Order can trace its roots back to a series of similar societies that existed in Ireland for more than 300 years. The AOH evolved from a need in the early sixteen-hundreds to protect the lives of priests who risked immediate death to keep the Catholic faith alive in occupied Ireland after the reign of England's King Henry VIII.
A. The mission of the AOH today is to promote Irish culture, community and Christian charity. Our local Division 14, has a hall in Watertown where we meet, organize community activities such as blood drives and food drives to help the needy in our comunity, hosts educational, music, cultural and family events, as well supports our local, Catholic churches.
A. Membership in the AOH is open to men or women of Irish heritage who are practicing Catholics. To obtain an application for, or get more information as to what membership entails, either scan the QR code or call or email the Division Financial Secretary below.
Ultimately, joining the Ancient Order of Hibernians allows you to immerse yourself in Irish culture, serve the community, and form lifelong friendships with individuals who share your passion for all things Irish.
AOH Membership Notice AOH Membership Notice 2025 DUES ARE NOW PAYABLE. Regular Division Members pay $55.00, Senior Division Members pay $30.00. All Associate Members regardless of age pay $55.00. You can mail your checks to AOH Division 14, Attention: Financial Secretary, P.O. Box 11, Watertown, MA 02471. You may also make payment at the club.
LAOH Membership Notice LAOH Membership Notice 2025 dues are now payable. When sending your dues please include your name, address, phone number and e-mail. This will provide us with an up-to-date listing. There are only two prices for dues, Members age 64 and below - $30, 65 and over - $25. You can mail your checks to LAOH Division 14, Attention: Financial Secretary, P.O. Box 11, Watertown, MA 02472.
Men's form Application for Scholarship
Ladies form Application for Scholarship
County form Application for Scholarship