Please remember when renting the hall as a member you must be a member in good standing, pay with your own check and you must be at the function. We have had a few people ask about these requirements for the members rate, so we wanted to help clarify these requirements. The Members' Lounge may be used for up to fifty people. For more than fifty the Big Hall is available. We love to see members renting the hall for all their family functions. For more information please contact the Rental Agent, Noelle, at 617-710-8680. Also check out our web pages for photos of the Hall:
Rental includes one or two bartenders depending on number of guest expected at the affair. Bartenders are included as part of the fees for the Hall unless otherwise noted.
Benefits Hibernian Hall has a fully stocked bar with numerous beers and liquors. Clients of the Hibernian Hall are free to bring in their own caterers to use our kitchen.
Rental Agent 617-710-8680
Spacious dance floor is excellent for any occasion.
You can decorate the hall to suite the event you would like hold. The hall is available for Birthday Parties, Dances, Dinners, Baptisms, and other types of affairs.