December 31st - Tuesday, Happy New Year
January 6th - Monday, Little Christmas
January 9th - Thursday, 7:00 PM - AOH Division Meeting
January 15th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Inc. Meeting/Stockholders Meeting
February 9th - Sunday, Super Bowl LVIII party in the lounge
February 13th - Thursday, 7:00 PM - AOH Division Meeting
February 19th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Inc. Meeting
February 20th - Thursday, 7:00 PM - Lost Gaels Book Tour, Hibernian Hall
March 2nd - Sunday, 3:00-6:00 PM - Irish Wispa Playing at Hibernian Hall. Doors open at 2:30pm
March 5th - Ash Wednesday (First Day of Lent)
March 8th - Saturday, 2:00 PM John Murphy, Tracing your Irish Genealogy in Lounge
March 10th - Monday, 7:00 PM - LAOH Division Meeting
March 13th - Thursday, 7:00 PM - Division Meeting
March 15th - Saturday, 9:00 AM - Red Cross Blood Drive at Hibernian Hall
March 16th - Sunday, Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade meet at Watertown Hibernian Hall
March 17th - Monday, Happy St. Patrick's Day Lounge will stream Irish Music all day
March 19th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Inc. Meeting
March 30th - Laetare Sunday
April 7th - Monday, 7:00 PM - LAOH Division Meeting
April 10th - Thursday, 7:30 PM - AOH Division Meeting
April 12th - Saturday, 5:30 PM Ham-O-Rama, Hibernian Hall
April 13th - Palm Sunday
April 16th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Meeting
April 17th - Holy Thursday (club closed)
April 18th - Good Friday (club closed)
April 19th - Holy Saturday (Last Day of Lent)
April 20th - Easter Sunday
April 27th - Sunday, 10:00 AM - AOH/LAOH Communion Mass, St Patrick's Church
April 27th - Sunday, 11:30 AM - AOH/LAOH Communion Breakfast, Hibernian Hall
April 27th - Divine Mercy Sunday
May 8th - Thursday, 7:30 PM - AOH Division Meeting
May 9th - Friday, 7:00 PM - Scholarship Awards Night
May 11th - Sunday, Mother's Day
May 12th - Monday, 7:00 PM - LAOH Division Meeting
May 21st - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Meeting
May 26th - Monday, 12:00 PM- Memorial Day Parade
The day will begin with a 9:00AM Memorial Mass at the Sandbanks Cemetery which is at the end of Cottage St. The Parade steps off at 12:00 Noon beginning in front of City Hall and ending up at Victory Field. Anyone interested in riding on the float or marching in the Parade can meet at the Club ahead of time or be at City Hall by NLT 11:30AM to get lined up for the Parade. Cookout back at the Club after the parade.
May 29th - Thursday, Ascension of Jesus
May 30th and 31st - Friday/Saturday, AOH/LAOH State Convention at Doubletree Hotel in Hyannis, Ma.
June 9th - Monday, 7:00 PM - LAOH Division Meeting
June 12th - Thursday, 7:30 PM - AOH Division Meeting
June 15th - Sunday, Father's Day
June 18th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Meeting
June 19th - Thursday, Juneteeth Day
June TBD - Friday, 6:45 PM - Worcester Red Sox vs. : Irish Heritage Night with the Woo Sox at Polar Park. After game UniBank Fireworks!
July 4th - Friday, Independence Day, Happy 4th of July!
August 2nd - Saturday, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Red Cross Blood Drive, Hibernian Hall
September 1st - Monday, Labor Day
September TBD - Sunday, 11 AM - LAOH State Board Meeting
September 8th - Monday, 7:00 PM - LAOH Division Meeting
September 11th - Thursday, 7:30 PM - AOH Division-14 Meeting
September 17th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Inc Meeting
September TBD - Saturday, 12:00 - 5:00 PM - Faire on the Square Saltonstall Park
September 26th - Friday, 1:00 PM Shotgun start- Division Scholarship Golf Outing will be in memory of Pat Hanlon
October 6th - Monday, 7:00 PM - LAOH Division-14 Meeting
October 9th - Thursday, 7:30 AM - AOH Division-14 Meeting
October 15th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Inc. Meeting
October 18th - Saturday, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Watertown Community Blood and Donation Drive, Hibernian Hall, see donation list:
October TBD - Saturday, 10:00 AM - LAOH 5th Annual Craft Faire
November 3rd - Monday, 7:00 PM - LAOH Divison Meeting
November 13th - Thursday, 7:30 PM - AOH Divison Meeting
November 19th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM - AOH Club Inc. Meeting
November 21st - Friday, 6:00 PM - Turkey Shoot fundraiser (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) Cash Bar
November 27th - Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving
December 7th Sunday, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Children's Christmas Party, open to the children or grandchildren of members. The parents must sign up each child before November 23rd, so we have a headcount for Santa. Signup list is in the bar area by the microwave.
December 8th - Monday, 7:00 PM - LAOH Division Meeting
December 11th - Thursday, 7:00 PM - AOH Division Meeting
December 17th - Wednesday, 7:30 PM AOH Club Inc. Meeting
December 25th - Thursday, Merry Christmas
December 27th - Saturday, Divsion's 131st Year Anniversary
AOH Membership Notice 2025 DUES ARE NOW PAYABLE. Regular Division Members pay $55.00, Senior Division Members pay $30.00. All Associate Members regardless of age pay $55.00. You can mail your checks to A.O.H. Div. 14 c/o Kevin Paquette, P.O. Box 11, Watertown, MA 02471
LAOH Membership Notice 2025 dues are now payable. When sending your dues please include your name, address, phone number and e-mail. This will provide us with an up-to-date listing. There are only two prices for dues, Members age 64 and below - $30, 65 and over - $25. You can mail your checks to LAOH, c/o S. McCallum, 214 Warren St., Waltham MA 02453. Contact information is 781.899.9423 email is
Sick Members and/or shut-in Contact Joe McCusker at 508.386.6438. For the LAOH please contact Rita Stacy & Lori Mor