What We Do

The AOH Tomás Cardinal O'Fiaich Division 14 in Watertown was established in 1894. We are an Irish Catholic organization established to preserve our Irish heritage and perpetuate our Roman Catholic faith. We are established as a charitable organization and adhere to our motto of "Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity" by giving back to community and supporting our Mother the Church. C'ead Mile Failte Romhat!

We donate, we fundraise for charity, and we have fun. On our website you can find membership information, monthly newsletters, a list of upcoming events, other AOH sites, some historical facts about the Massachusetts AOH.

Tomás O'Fiaich

Photo of Tomas O'Fiaich
Tomás Cardinal O'Fiaich
AOH Division 14, Watertown, MA.

Contact Us

Ancient Order of Hibernians
151 Watertown Street
PO Box 11
Watertown, MA 02472-1792

For Hall Rental contact Noelle Daly:
P: (617) 710-8680 E: Hiboesrental@gmail.com

For Division Matters contact Joe McCusker:
P: (617) 924-9541 E: joemacjr60@gmail.com

Directions google map
Newsletter Image